NAAMY Awards 2018

Congratulations to the museums that won NAAMY Awards at the 2018 Annual Conference for their 2017 programs, events and activities. This is a prestigious honor and their award represents a commitment to excellence and sets a standard within our field. Great job!

The annual NAAMY awards competition honors the work of nonprofit automotive transportation museums. The awards recognize industry leaders for achievement, professionalism and creativity. They are designed to further promote professionalism in automotive museum managerial, curatorial, educational and promotional work.

DIVISION I (institutions with an annual budget less than $300,000)

Books & Exhibit Catalogs

1st Virtual Steam Car Museum, Hector Halhead “Steam” Stewart

2nd Place: BMW Car Club of America Foundation, Heroes of Bavaria: 75 Years of BMW Motorsport

Collateral Materials

1st Place: Heart of Route 66 Auto Museum, Sixty-Six-Foot-Tall Visible Gas Pump

2nd Place: Heart of Route 66 Auto Museum, Collateral Campaign

3rd Place: Newport Car Museum, Car Club Flyers

Educational Programs

1st National Packard Museum, New York vs Ohio Battle for Packard’s Estatet

2nd Place: BMW Car Club of America Foundation, Tire Rack Street Survival

Events & Public Promotions

1st Place: Kansas City Automotive Museum, Dancing with the Cars

2nd Place: Newport Car Museum, Grand Opening of Museum

3rd Place: Kansas City Automotive Museum, The Great Car Show

Films & Videos

1st Place: Newport Car Museum, Newport Car Museum Gallery Videos

2nd Place: New England Auto Museum, Introductory Video

3rd Place: Veit Automotive Foundation, Veit Automotive Foundations Video Series

Interpretive Exhibits

1st Place: BMW Car Club of America Foundation, Heros of Bavaria: 75 Years of BMW Motorsport

2nd Place: National Packard Museum, Packard: America’s Rolls Royce

3rd Place: National Packard Museum, Packard’s Master Salesman Training Program

Newsletters & Magazines

1st Place: The Cadillac-LaSalle Club Museum and Research Center, “Highlights”

2nd Place: Veit Automotive Foundation, “The Vintage”

3rd Place: Newport Car Museum, Newsletter

Web Design & Online Communications

1st Place: Newport Car Museum, Website

2nd Place: Newport Car Museum, Social Media


DIVISION II (institutions with an annual budget greater than $300,000)

Books & Exhibit Catalogss

1st Place: Auburn Cord Duesenberg Automobile Museum, Cocktails of the Auburn Automobile Company

Collateral Materials

1st Place:: Studebaker National Museum, Studebaker National Museum 2018 Calendar

2nd Place: Studebaker National Museum, Keep On Truckin’ Rackcard

3rd Place: National Corvette Museum, Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

Educational Programs

1st Place: National Automobile Museum, Harrah Collection, History Symposium: 1970’s Activism- Voices for Change

2nd Place: Gilmore Car Museum, The Dust Bowl and the Automobile

2nd Place: Speedway Motors Museum of American Speed, Lego Pit Stop

3rd Place: AACA Museum, Automotive Assembly Program

Events & Public Promotions

1st Place: Stahl’s Automotive Foundation, The Great Race

1st Place: National Corvette Museum, KY 225 Exhibit Promotions

2nd Place: Stahl’s Automotive Foundation, Hat Trick for Heroes Event for 2016

3rd Place: Owls Head Transportation Museum, 2017 Summer Season

Films & Videos

1st Place: National Corvette Museum, Corvette History Video

2nd Place: Owls Head Transportation Museum, Theatrical Trailer 2017 Summer Promotion

3rd Place: National Corvette Museum, Museum Overview Video

Interpretive Exhibits

1st Place: Reynolds- Alberta Museum, The McLaughlin Story

2nd Place: National Corvette Museum, Kentucky: 225 Years on the Move

2nd Place: San Diego Automotive Museum, Japanese Steel

3rd Place: Gilmore Car Museum, Designed for Delivery: The Early American Truck

Newsletters & Magazines

1st Place: Owls Head Transportation Museum, “Strut & Axle Magazine”

2nd Place: Gilmore Car Museum, “The Industry Standard”

3rd Place: National Corvette Museum, “America’s Sports Car Magazine”

Web Designs & Online Communications

1st Place: Owls Head Transportation Museum, Kickstarter Campaign: Restoring the Red Baron

2nd Place: World of Speed Motorsports Museum, PNW Community Racing Timeline

3rd Place: Gilmore Car Museum, Social Media: The Great Race

*Note: Entry into a category with three or fewer entries does not guarantee an award or an automatic first place, certain percentage levels based on judge’s combined scores must be reached. Ties are acceptable based on percentage level.


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